Hi everyone

This is "Pars (Just Go)" the new song from my album "Faux Frogs" pretty much the same session details as the others.

Made with Qtractor 0.7.2 ; The update came during the mastering, thanks KX packagers, that one was faster than light :)
10 tracks or so. Ah yes, Yoshimi! It exists as a plugin now, and this was his test ride for me. It behaves pretty good. And sounds amazing, really.
Thanks a lot to Markus Schmidt for sharing his bag of tricks in his great "Calf" videos, like adding harmonics to the bass with Saturator. Amazing too how new strings can change the whole thing :)
Mastered through Jamin, Bounced to Audacity.
Video made in Kdelnlive with CC-0 videos.


Philippe "xaccrocheur" Yassin
http://bitbucket.org/xaccrocheur / https://github.com/xaccrocheur