2009/9/13 david <gnome@hawaii.rr.com>
Ray Rashif wrote:Interesting, will have to try that on the synthesizer laptop. It's got a
> 7200RPM is absolutely necessary to be rid of that bottleneck, first and
> foremost. A 5400RPM imposes a practical limit to the minimum size of the
> buffer, and from experience this can be as big as 256 (meaning anything
> lower you get xruns regardless of how good your audio interface is).
5400RPM drive ...
Just make sure it has the right interface for your old laptop!
> WD has a 320GB 7200 mobile disk going for around 100 bucks.
Might also find it worthwhile to open the laptop up and see about
> Secondly, the CPU. This is important because the lower the latency, the
> harder the CPU works. As such, if the headroom is not big enough, you
> find that even a little bit more CPU usage deals a heavy blow. I'd
> recommend at least a 1.8GHz Core 2 Duo, which is pretty standard these days.
> Overheating is an inherent hardware problem that comes with age. I bet
> your battery capacity has decreased as well. And a 7200RPM disk will
> output more heat, so get a flatbed cooler if the laptop's underside
> design isn't good enough to compensate.
cleaning anything that might be obstructing airflow. Just in case stuff
has built up over the years.
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