On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 5:36 AM, Asa Marco <aesir.ml@gmail.com> wrote:

I would choose between 44.1KHz and 48KHz on the multitrack recorder,
so outside of Ardour. Since audio sources are radio microphones whose
specs report a band of 40-18000Hz I think 48Khz would be an unuseful
oversampling (provided a small use of DSP), am I wrong?

If you are syncin'g to video, record at 48k, otherwise 44.1 is perfectly fine.  From the sounds of it you are recording live theater if you have mostly radio mics?

By the way, don't depend on the HD24's FTP functionality, it sucks.  Get HD24Tools to transfer recordings, will work much better.  Really the recordings should have been done in 24 bit to be honest in my opinion.

For the record I mixed down and released a CD with recordings off an HD24 of live theater several years back on an old Opteron 1.6GHz IIRC.  So yes a P4 can work, even in mixing, but I will tell you I find it much easier to deal with these days when I don't have to be quite so careful on resource usage.
