Hello Brandon,

As far as I know in order to use AVB the Ethernet port needs to have support for AVB.
So it would not be possible to use with a standard port.
Other than that I don't think that support for the AVB protocol exists on Linux yet. 
I would be happy to be corrected though, as I have an AVB enabled interface (Motu), used in USB mode.

Best regards,

On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 1:48 AM Brandon Hale <bthaleproductions@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,

Are there any of you here who are using AVB on Linux, especially with a
standard Ethernet port? What software or hardware are you using to do
this on your Linux machines? I am interested in playing with it and have
some AVB speakers to mess with, but I'm not sure if it is even possible
yet, especially with a standard laptop Ethernet port.

Tell me about your Linux AVB success stories!

Brandon Hale
Linux-audio-user mailing list