I remember that article.  I read it after I tried lmms on multiple platforms over eighteen months, and was beginning to wonder in general.  I'm glad you wrote it, because if you hadn't, I might not have thought that there were usable components on Linux.  Certainly my hardware (quad AMD 2.6 GHz, 4G RAM, running lean & tweaked AVLinux) is not insufficient.

I was hoping lmms would be usable as a single-MIDI-channel SF2 host.  Sadly, the audio quality is just too poor for anything live.  I have managed to find a free-of-charge Yamaha piano .gig for linuxsampler, which will do until I can find a good Steinway or Bosendorfer .gig, or an .sf2 host practical for dynamic live work (sorry, people, but MIDI routers do not make for on-the-fly changes in live work). 

I took a look at fluidsynth's non-gui command line -- arcane is a word that comes to mind :-)

I wonder if Ardour does SF2?  Anything else?


Hi Patrick,

I reviewed it not too long ago:


I gave a fairly positive review *except* wrt its performance. Frankly, 
it was pretty poor regardless of the driver (and I tested it with its 
ALSA, OSS, and SDL drivers). I like its concept and design, but until it 
has seamless JACK support it remains a toy.

Can't say I blame the devs for switching it over to Windows, especially 
if they're not going to bring its JACK support up to speed.

There's a thread on LMMS over at KVRaudio. It's mostly concerned with 
the eye candy, they're not responding to any queries re: JACK, so I'm 
not hopeful about its development for Linux. And yes, they do refer to a 
name change in the near future.


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