I would go with what Robin said. That being said, Robin's tweaks on Transmission last year on 89 set the pace for our build (brilliant!). Since then tuning jack2 (jackdmp) Rui's rtirq, plus tuning for specific chips / computer hardware makes a difference. If you want something now that truly stands up and has had some of the best Linux developers touch the project, go with Transmission 4.2. I know Paul will jump in and tune us all up with our thoughts (go Paul!) but it should be stated again we are getting lights out performance without RT on our new multi-touch Tablets for Pro Audio with 2.6.35, Meego/AtomN450.
Lastly, Transmission is only $39.00 for LAD and LAU (insert cheap plug here) and that covers our license agreement payments to our partners, support, and ongoing development.
Another cheap plug is we are about to launch and open the beta program for the tablet and the interest has been amazing!!!
Thank you
Ronald Stewart
Creative Director
Trinity Audio Group Inc.
9854 National Blvd. #322
Los Angeles CA 90034
Em domingo 12 dezembro 2010, ās 14:17:15, Robin Gareus escreveu:
> If one really needs reliable low-latency (lets sayI uninstalled my RT-Kernel because since 2.6.35 and now with 2.6.36 I get LOWER latencies with them than with 2.6.33-RT
> <20ms) - s/he needs a realtime-kernel
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