Thats a good status update on the release - thanks Robin!

On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 8:21 AM, Robin Gareus <> wrote:
On 03/07/2013 07:01 AM, Al Thompson wrote:

> The thing that confuses me is the multiple references to MIDI editing,
> yet the version available for download is 2.8.16.

indeed. similar comments have appeared on IRC in the last weeks. However
the consensus is that time is better spent on simply pushing Ardour3 out
the door than writing anti-confusion explanations :) -- The website is
just a bit ahead of the A3 release schedule.

Also, neither the website nor other related work which going on behind
the scenes has been publicly announced, yet.

On that note: Ardour3 release candidates are already available to
subscribers. Subscribe now and you should receive a notification about
rc3 binary packages which are due to be released later today.

Of course you can also always compile from source:

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