On 11/25/2015 01:44 AM, F. Silvain wrote:
Tweed, Nov 25 2015:
you could assign a midi controller (knob, fader, etc) to a delay time parameter.
Hey hey Tweed,
oh dear! Thank you very much! I should have thought of that. I've done something similar more than often enough in Nama. That comes from trying to be too clever. :(

* Homepage: https://freeshell.de/~silvain
* Twitter:  http://twitter.com/ffanci_silvain
* GitHub:   https://github.com/fsilvain

Hi Ffanci,
glad to help!  it made me find my scripts and .ecs files (for the example I gave) which was long overdue so thank you!
@ gmaq: didn't know kdenlive had that function.  pretty cool!
