Hello Peter,
Well, when I did the implémentation of jconvolver, I also tried BruteFir, although, I could make it to work, it was more cpu hungry than jconvolver.
I have posted my other problem on an other threats.
Best regards,
* bricolodu <[hidden email]> [2016-06-02 15:59]:
> Thank you Peter,
> I also use jconvolver + jack on Raspberry 3
> But couldn't make it to work on Raspberry B
> This is one of the reason why I tried with LADSPA that with the built in
> filter works on Pi 1 (B)
Alright, I can't offer to solve these problems, but perhaps you want to
post the error descriptions for the RPI B and jconvolver here as well.
Have you looked at brutefir as well?
best, P
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