Thanks, that seems to be just perfect!

Always running dev stuff in a separate corner of my hard disk :-)

It seems I should stop using normalize-audio and go with my brand new python wrapper of the above...

Thanks again!

Den tir. 21. apr. 2020 kl. 11.35 skrev Peter P. <>:
Try SoX

 $ sox infile.wav outfile.wav norm -1

and with wildcards executing for all soundfiles in the directory
 $ for a in *.wav; do sox "$a" "`echo $a|sed -e s/.wav//`_norm.wav"; done
(WARNING: This is untested and you should first try this in a separate
folder holding trial copies, not your original soundfiles.)

* Atte Jensen <> [2020-04-21 10:50]:
> Hi
> I find myself in the need of batch normalizing a lot of wav files (44.1kHz,
> 24bits) to "-1db peak". I don't know much about the technical details,
> although I seem to understand that "-1db" is not as simple as that. I
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sox infile.wav outfile.wav norm -1