2015-05-29 18:33 GMT+02:00 Will Godfrey <willgodfrey@musically.me.uk>:
Come on now, don't all run away :)

What do people think would be the best format (from a user's point of view), yet
reasonably easy both to transfer and to keep up-to-date?

Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
Linux-audio-user mailing list

I went to Bruno Ruviaro's workshop at LAC2015 about "Open Educational Resources: Remixing Manuals and Tutorials for Linux Audio", and it seems in some point he addressed this question.
There were mentioned Wiki, collaborative tools (blog, howto/tutorials specific sites) and others, but finally markdown and some kind of repository (github in this case) seemed to be a plausible choice between convenience and easy of use and edit.


C. sanchiavedraZ:
* NEW / NUEVO:     www.sanchiavedraZ.com
* Musix GNU+Linux: www.musix.es