On Mon, 24 Apr 2017, john gibby wrote:
Hi,I tried really hard to figure this out on my own... I have a patchbay profile
that is supposed to connect PulseAudio JACK Sink-01 to ecasound. But, it doesn't
do it; when the computer boots, the connection I see in Jack is PA Jack Sink to
system. I always have to manually remove that connection, and manually connect
it to ecasound (so my ecasound crossover network works with mpv media player or
whatever uses PA).
The pa-jack bridge can be set up with the connect=no commandline. I am not sure if you are using module-jackdbus-detect or setting your PAsink up manually. If you are using the above module then you need to edit the pulse config file either /etc/pulse/default.pa or a user version. The stock default.pa has a line:
load-module module-jackdbus-detect channels=2
just add connect=no to the end of that line.
If you are manually starting your sink, I use a command line like:
pactl load-module module-jack-sink client_name=PA-${cname} channels=2 connect=no
By using the client name, I can decide what the jack port will be named, so I can use jack connect with thge same name:
jack_connect PA-${cname}:front-left ${cname}-out:playback_1
NOTE: in this case ${cname} is the card name such as M66, AudioPCI or whatever.
The patchbay profile does work to connect Pianoteq to ecasound; just not Pulse
Audio Sink to ecasound. Any ideas? I have gotten a little familiar with the
scripts used, like pacmd and pajackconnect. I tried to customize pajackconnect,
I prefer pactl to pacmd and would use jack_connect (or jack-plumbing) rather than pajackconnect.
Len Ovens
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