On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 8:46 AM, R. Mattes <rm@mh-freiburg.de> wrote:
Maybe I miss something obvious, but what's wrong with using
PD as it is - i.e. as a standalone jack client. After all, isn't that
the main point of jack's wounderful routing capabilities?
Max4Live exists because there's nothing comparable in the
windows/mac world (or, at least, there wasn't)

not really true. JACK has been around for about as Ableton Live. and presumably you haven't noticed the GUI integration of M4L within Live?
My PD patches will run with ardour as well as with qtractor -
I consider this an advantage.

surely what matters is that your PD patches should run in any instance of PD, whether it is PureData (the app) or libpd, on any platform on which any version of PD runs