I'm struggling with my jack setup again. I am running Devuan Chimaera and the MB has a builtin sound chip (ALC887)
which works using just ALSA. I had an Audigy sound card, and Jack worked OK with that. Longer term, I'll by using
a UDAC8 USB sound module, but it's not here at present, and I expected to be able to simply switch the Jack output
device from the Audigy to the ALC877. I can play a test file through ALSA (aplay test1.wav) which is OK, though
a bit low volume, but when I reconfigure jack to use it, I don;t get any system output on QJackCtl, and jack-play
gives no sound, not surprising if there's no port to connect to.

Last resort is to put the Audigy card back in for now.

| Bill Purvis                            |
| email: bill@billp.org                  |