
I tried using zita-a2j/j2a with an additional USB sound card having one stereo input and it works fine. I could play the same content on PC sound card as well as using USB sound card.  However, when I tried to connect another USB sound card having 10 inputs I get the following errors.
Can zita-a2j/j2a handle more than one channel of inputs ?


$sudo zita-a2j -v -d hw:1  -r 44100 -p 2048
playback : not enabled
capture  :
  nchan  : 12
  fsamp  : 44100
  fsize  : 2048
  nfrag  : 2
  format : S32_LE
Starting synchronisation.
-119.408   1.026808     0
Detected excessive timing errors, waiting 10 seconds.
Starting synchronisation.
 -52.887   1.013412 -1297
Detected excessive timing errors, waiting 10 seconds.
Starting synchronisation.
  -0.334   1.000085 -2140
Detected excessive timing errors, waiting 10 seconds.

 $sudo jackd -d alsa -d hw:PCH


From: Fons Adriaensen-3 [via Linux Audio] <ml+s4202n106280h9@n7.nabble.com>
Sent: Friday, June 8, 2018 1:15 PM
To: benravin
Subject: zita-jacktools available now
Hello all,

The jacktools packages (to be presented at LAC2018) are available now at


You will need (from the libraries section)

- zita-convolver
- zita-resampler
- zita-jclient
- zita-audiotools
- zita-jacktools

and install those in that order.

and of course python, numpy, matplotlib, fftw3,...

Comments and feedback on LAU or LAD.

Greetings from sunny Berlin,


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