On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Johannes Kroll <
j-kroll@gmx.de> wrote:
> 1) there could be another parameter, a boolean/checkbox which could be
> named "sync" or "lock". It would be on by default which would mean the
> current behaviour. If turned off, the quantization to full/half/quarter
> etc would simply be disabled, and the Time parameter would control the
> loop length directly.
> 2) there could be a boolean parameter "Auto"/"From Transport". On by
> default (current behaviour). If turned off, BPM would be taken from
> another parameter, controlled by a dial on the UI.
> 3) in addition or instead of 2), there could be a "BPM Multiplier"
> parameter... Floating point from, say, 0.25 up to 4. This would
> take the Transport BPM and scale it.
the BPM also a good idea.