
Keep in mind I have the "DJ" not the "DJx", so I'm using the PCMCIA, not the ExpressCard.

The ALSA matrix has no mention of the DJx.. so I can't confirm.

However on the echo page, they're listed under the same heading for stats, so I presume that the internal engine is the same, only the hardware interface is different.

Perhaps its worth it to ask on the alsa-devel list if it should work. Also, if you find out please report back.. I'm intrested now.
Cheers -Harry
(PS on lists like this should I reply below so it's easier to read for people on Digest versions of the mail, rather than above like I have done? Been a while since I used many mail lists but sure I remember something about down-posting rather than up-posting...)
If there's a direct question / I'm answering a question asked a couple of mails back, I'll do this. (Ie: quick quote, and then answer). But I'm no mailing list guru, so just do what you think you'd like to read back :)