Hi Paul,

On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com> wrote:
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 8:30 PM, Aaron Krister Johnson
<aaron@akjmusic.com> wrote:

> PianoTeq doesn't configure things when jack is running. It just detects and
> runs with what jack's setting are. However, the *user* configures things
> when Alsa is running. Things like sr, buffer sizes, and periods. I was
> comparing apples to apples when I announced my results: for instance, if I
> set PT to run Alsa @ 256 samples and 2 buffers per period, I also ran jackd
> with those setting before starting PT.
> I'd love your insight into what could have been going on; things seem quite
> a bit better with jack2 (jackdmp-1.9.7) on my system---and, like I said, all

would it be so hard to just run that very simple command i asked
about? you have absolutely no guarantee that the parameters presented
by Pianoteq translate directly into ALSA driver parameters, though
they probably do. i gave you a very, very simple way to make sure of
this but we still seem to be arguing about whether to run it or not.

I'm kind of pressed for time with several projects at the moment. Sorry I didn't do this earlier. When I get the chance, I'll reinstall the older version of jack1 and run the tests again with the output of that command. We'll see, but I'm pretty sure there's no reason that Alsa would arbitrarily change the buffer settings and such that PianoTeq requests in their config dialog.


>> yeah, its in the backlog at present. its functionality overlaps quite
>> a lot of other stuff.
> Hmmm....like what, Qjackctl? That's a GUI, this is CL. And the CL tools that
> currently come with jack do the trick, but with needless typing and lack of
> ease---that's what my-front end solves. What other CL tools for making jack
> connections in an *easy* way are there?

well, JACK Session springs to mind. this should be taken up on the
jack mailing list rather than here.

I'd don't know about JACK Session. Is it http://sourceforge.net/projects/jacksm/ ? If so, that's also a GUI. http://ardour.org/a3_features_jack_session_support is the first Google link that I get for the search term "JACK Session" and it looks like something built into things like QJackctl...are you saying it's actually a CL tool as well?


Aaron Krister Johnson