why not go with Daniel James'  open source book? 
certainly credible and authentic

Thank you

Ronald Stewart
Creative Director
Trinity Audio Group Inc.
9854 National Blvd. #322
Los Angeles CA 90034

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 1:47 AM, Ketil Thorgersen <ketil.thorgersen@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi list

Searching for literature for a teacher training course I will be
starting next year, I found the following book from 2010:

"Free Music Software: Gnu Lilypond, Mplayer, Ffmpeg, Supercollider,
Audacity, Ardour, Impro-Visor, Jokosher, Sox, Jfugue, Musescore,
Qtractor" by LLC books.

There are no reviews to be found or anything so I was wondering if
anyone here has any experience with it. What kind of book is it? Is it
worth buying? Who has written it?

Best regards
Ketil Thorgersen
Linux-audio-user mailing list