I have a Unibrain Fire-i, which works very well with Coriander and other stuff for tethered motion detection, effectv, etc.  It was very cheap, < $80 US.  I've used it to run the Reactable stuff, and a bunch of other motion-based video apps.  I've also got an Aiptek flash-based HD videocamera, which, while USB only, has worked very well for me and is cheap too (about $125).  The Aiptek is for recording only- I just mention it in case you're looking for a recorder as well.  Definitely stick with the IIDC/DCAM/non-camcorder type if you're doing streaming or encoding or effects or mo-cap on live video.  

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Olivier Guilyardi <ml@xung.org> wrote:
Dave Phillips wrote:

> I'm looking to buy a low-cost camcorder with FireWire out. Do any of you
> LAUyers have a recommendation ? I'd like to stay under $200US if possible.

To ensure Linux compatibility, try to get yourself a device that supports IIDC.
Here's a quite exhaustive list (check the IIDC column) by libdc1394 author:

We had a lot of problems setting up a DV live stream using ffmpeg because our
camcorder lacked IIDC support.

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