Hi, list!

Just so you know, there's a new solution in town for producers who want to showcase their work: Peertube.

It's a FLOSS initiative from a guy on Github (quickly backed up by Framasoft, a non-profit already quite active on that front) who wanted to build a decentralized video hosting platform by leveraging the brand new web torrent uh, protocol. Right now it's in beta, and boy it really is, please don't tell me you have troubles playing my videos, I kinda know.
Also I do understand that mp4 is not entirely free, and the boys seem to know about that.

To test it, just create an account on any instance that allows it, and start uploading your videos ; they'll be available on all federated instances. Exactly how that works is still quite a mystery to me ; After that they're supposed to be partially streamed from the hard drives of people that have the file in their browser's cache. Or something like that.

The thing is, My video "No Sister" is the 25th in the list of the most played videos on all federated instances!! Can you believe that?

See, on Youtube we're nothing, but here, we can exist! Into the little smelly shop that's just set up in front of the big obnoxious mall, we can expect a reasonable amount of exposure and visibility :) Another reason why I'm telling you guys that is because I simply find there's not enough good music on there. I mean, the best music you can find is mine, and that can't be good ;) My next album is going to be released exclusively on Peertube.



PS - That works for tutorial videos and stuff, too :)

Philippe Coatmeur
+212 (0)6 59 10 92 73
+212 (0)6 10 64 73 72