2011/10/24 Julien Claassen <julien@mail.upb.de>
Hello Raffaele!
 Well if Klick basically works, then it would be the question, what "your woman" finds unintuitive about the GUI. I've seen the code. I couldn't really change it, but it was small enough. Perhaps something could be worked out? Basically the commandline interface is easy enough, perhaps one could directly print the list of keys (which is VERY short) to change tempo and tme signature. It doesn't look comfortable, but very down to the point.
 Warm regards

Hi Julien, 

she is studying piano, so I learned her how to connect my m-audio keystation -> fluidsynth (qsynth) <-> qjacktcl... but klick doesn't have a gui and as (every) end user she's not comfortable with cli (and really don't need to be).

thank you