2010/9/3 Rui Nuno Capela <rncbc@rncbc.org>

It's been a long summer hasn't it? Bad news is that laudable 'spring
cleaning' has slipped a bunch and in fact, is still on going with no end
on sight, exactly as the 'uber-procrastinator' predicted! ;)

Nevertheless, QmidiCtl, QmidiNet 0.1.0 are out now!

This release marks the fact that QmidiCtl [1] is now made available from
the official Maemo 5 repository [3]. So that you can download and
install it directly from your N900 [4]. You'll find it on the Multimedia
section. Second, QmidiCtl [1] is now fully configurable with regard to
which MIDI events are sent and/or recognized. It's not MMC-exclusive
anymore. Third, QmidiNet [2] also talks JACK-MIDI now. Although (very)
experimentally. And you don't have to opt out on ALSA-MIDI. You can have
both MIDI interfaces running as long as you please.

Finally, Paul de Vries shows us a magnificent video re. How To: Setup
QmidiCtl on The Nokia N900 with Renoise [5]. Alas, it's on Windows and
using ipMIDI [8] as the gateway back-end. No sweat :) If Renoise [6] is
to run on Linux he would use QmidiNet [2] or multimidicast [7]. Take
note that the latter only does ALSA MIDI and doesn't handle MIDI SysEx
messages as certain as MMC is. Kudos to Paul.

See also:




Project pages:



 - source tarballs:

 - source package (openSUSE 11.3):



 - binary packages (openSUSE 11.3):





 - binary packages (Maemo 5):

Weblog (upstream support):



   QmidiNet and QmidiCtl are both free, open-source software,
distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
version 2 or later.


[1] QmidiCtl - A MIDI Remote Controller via UDP/IP Multicast

[2] QmidiNet - A MIDI Network Gateway via UDP/IP Multicast

[3] Maemo.org - Home of the Maemo community

[4] Maemo.org - Downloads: QmidiCtl

[5] How To: Setup QmidiCtl on The Nokia N900 with Renoise

[6] Renoise

[7] multimidicast - sends and receives MIDI from ALSA sequencers over

[8] ipMIDI - MIDI over Ethernet ports - send MIDI over your LAN

Cheers && Enjoy
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
Linux-audio-user mailing list

Great as always.

Just wanted to point out that maybe there's a mistake in QmidiNet site, because --except for the name of the app itself-- it has the same short description in the title as QmidiCtl site.


Carlos sanchiavedraz
* Musix GNU+Linux