I just realized that I didn't do a reply-all on this one.
And since I seem to suffer way too often from the 'What did that guy with my same problem do to fix it????!!!", I figure it's worth sending one more email to let everyone know that after a simple 'sudo apt-get install resample' I just did this:
resample -to 44100 in.wav out.wav
.....and all was well.
As a somewhat rhetorical aside, do you ever feel like you're cheating since you're using Linux? (Yeah yeah, not really......just hear me out here.......)
I mean, the same box that I do dev work, email, you-name-it etc., I'm also now doing audio work on now???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As an ex Apple user, this excites me to no end on many different levels.
It's taken a while to get here but, man........it sure feels good.
Anyway, thanks all!
On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 12:10 AM, Julien Claassen
<julien@mail.upb.de> wrote:
Hi Aaron!
Two ways:
sndfile-resample -c 0 -to 44100 in.wav out.wav
This takes some time, but the sndfile-utils or sndfile-progs are available on many distros as packages. Then there is fons' resample program, whichI prefer nowadays, since it's faster:
resample --lips --16bit --rate 44100 in.wav out.wav
Good luck and best wishes