you could uncouple them using (soft) rubber or springs. Those would absorb the vibrations. It would be most practicly placing them on the ground or a surface. You have to take care that frequency-resonance of the material is lower than the lowest the speaker produces - you can test that puxing them down and guessing the freuquency by the up and down movements. sorry, I hope one can understand my bad english


Em terça-feira 16 novembro 2010, às 16:10:32, Philipp escreveu:

> Hi there,

> I need to reduce the loudness in every room except the one with

> speakers. The issue seems to be mainly bass frequencies, which is hardly

> a surprise. Physically decoupling the speakers from the walls would be

> the most appropriate solution in this specific case. Currently some

> speakers hang while some sit on wall-mounted boards.


> What's the best but still reasonably easy/cheap way to decouple the

> speakers?


> My guesses so far:

> a) hanging is better than wall-mounted boards

> b) decoupling actually helps, at least a bit


> TIA for any comments


> Regards,

> Philipp


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