If you are using mp3 as the guide track, it is good practice for the guide track to include sync tones. You can copy/paste these into your exported wav of your guitars or whatever and then accurate alignment with the original session is possible.




On Feb 12, 2013 9:44 AM, "Lorenzo Sutton" <lorenzofsutton@gmail.com> wrote:
On 11/02/13 20:35, Aaron L. wrote:

Friend sends rough mix of drums and bass in mp3 form.

Tells me to record new guitars to this.....(he expects a wav file in return).

Are you expected to return only the guitars you record or the whole 'mix'? In the former case you might bear with the quality loss introduced by encoding to mp3, especially if the bitrate is not too low (I guess at least 256kps). In the latter case I would politely ask your friend to send you a lossless version of the file(s) - e.g. wave or flac.


This "master in mp3 form" makes me a bit nervous.  Why?

Because I don't know enough about the mp3 encoding process.........

Is it "lossy" simply because it rounds-off stuff?

Or does it actually drop samples (like various lossy video encoders?)

If so, the wav file that I send him could get weird sample-wise when he imports it into the "real" session, no?

Am I picking nits here?

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