On 04/03/2013 08:20 PM, J. Liles wrote:
What plugin? Is there an ABX tester for linux that actually works?

Maybe I'm just stupid. I thought I read about one somewhere in this thread. But there does seem to be an ABX test software out there..


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 12:12 AM, Florian Paul Schmidt <mista.tapas@gmx.net> wrote:
On 04/03/2013 09:02 AM, Peder Hedlund wrote:

Which might very well be because you know that it's an MP3 and you "know" MP3s sound bad.
Please do show that you can't stand MP3s by providing an ABX score.

- Peder

And just to add to that a little bit of (maybe friendly) advice to Ralf (Sorry Peter, for hijacking your post):

Ralf, this is a chance to grow as a human. Have your convictions challenged and learn about nature and yourself. Since you are emotionally invested into knowing you're right, this is potentially especially valuable. Since people who are emotionally invested in their convictions often take a little time to adjust to having an essential part of their world view shattered (I personally know some people who went from being religious to being open about what we can really learn about nature - so I have a a little bit of experience with this), do the double blind test in the privacy of your home. I learned about the ABX plugin from this thread. What a great opportunity :D Do not report back to us, what you found. Let it sink, repeat the test a few times with different material, different encodings, etc., and find out what difference you can REALLY hear.

Have fun,


Florian Paul Schmidt

Linux-audio-user mailing list

Florian Paul Schmidt