Thanks for your feedback, Fons.
I actually approached it differently. To me the important thing was not to "quote Fons", but to quote something that I observed as a common sentiment. Next time I will rephrase it, I have no intention to quote you specifically.
However, I would be grateful if you would explain in which way my understanding of your phrase was incorrect.
You mention that the first part (I assume the first sentence in the paragraph) is part of the wider discussion. I have read that discussion and actually have participated in it. Can you explain to me what the wider discussion was and in what way it changes the meaning of your sentence?
You then mention that 'the right ones' is in single quotes. Can you expand on what those quotes mean?
Otherwise it would be difficult for me to understand how to change my take on your words (although, again, I did not aim to quote you specifically, which is why I did not mention the author of the words, to me they are just an example of something that I see as a common approach).