On Fri, 29 Apr 2016 11:37:25 -0400
Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com> wrote:
> From Apple's "Optimizing Audio Unit User Experience in Logic Studio"
> "For even better user interface integration, custom Audio Unit Views should
> refrain from using overlay windows and from opening sheets or auxiliary
> windows other than for file browsing. All user interface elements should be
> presented inside the root Audio Unit View by laying out its content
> dynamically and resizing as necessary. The host window listens to size
> change notifications and will adapt automatically."
Well now, I had intended to stay out of this discussion - not my business - but
I can't let this go without comment.
I don't use any Apple, nor any Microsoft kit, so don't feel obliged to adhere
to their diktats. Indeed I *specifically* want to get away from other people
telling me what I should do; how I should 'experience' the computer.
Since the days of the Acorn Archimedes, everything I use has had independent
windows that can be placed where *I* want them, and instantly rolled up to just
the title bar.