2009/2/2 MarcO'Chapeau <marco@marcochapeau.org>
On Sun, 1 Feb 2009 18:21:52 +0100, Mysth-R <mysthr21@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> My band Aide Auditive will make a concert on the KKWNE Radio tonight at
> 7:pm
> UTC (8:pm  for paris).
> For this concert we invited Arboreal to improvise with us, and we made it
> via *netjack*.
> Aide Auditive plays some improvised electronic music.

Damn it... I only saw your mail this morning, and I was back from holidays

Any other dates planned in Paris ?
Hi !
Well we come from Marseille. So, no dates for the moment in Paris, but we will play on 27th of february in Marseille at l'Embobineuse...
If you can't go to Marseille, you can listen on KKWNE Radio, as we play every first sunday of the month.
In march (2009/03/01) we will play with a guest : "Transitoire"
Feel free to visit our web site : http://www.aide-auditive.org

-- Marc-Olivier Barre --
 --- MarcO'Chapeau ----
- www.marcochapeau.org -

* ***************************************************************************************
*  {^_^} Mysth-R {^_^}
*  <= Aide Auditive =>
* http://myspace.com/mysthr
* http://myspace.com/aideauditive
* http://mysthr.free.fr/Joomla  => Site dédié à l'audio sous Fedora/PlanetCCRMA.
* ***************************************************************************************