Fons, 2 follow ups.

Amb plugins are working now, with, somewhat predictably, user error as the culprit.

Now to Jconv, and multiple short IRs.

I've done some crude experimenting and ask at this point, how do i determine the format (i.e. short b-form ir or not) of a particular IR? Is there a device or some sort of utility that i can use to do this?

The reason i ask is, i have a set of IR's for a hall, recorded 3 front stage, left middle right, and 3 back stage, left middle right. I built a jconv .conf file with these IRs, and the result was near 100% CPU, and a vertiable flood of Xruns. (AMD 64 Dual Core X2 5600+, 64bit Ubstudio) I understand from this, i've used 'full' IRs, and Jconv is attempting to process them all at once.

So, I gather from what you've written, that there is either a mechanism for creating short b-form IRs from a single IR wav, or i'll have to find a specific IR that is recorded in such a way that i can use portions, or sections of the IR, without taking such a performance hit, or there is a mathematical means of extrapolating sections from a single ir, already present in Jconv, and i'm not 'getting it', at this point.

I may be assuming all of the above incorrectly, of course, and presume it may simply be a setup error here on my part, by default.

I would hope you glean from the above, that my enthusiasm for Jconv is not only undimmed, but quite the contrary, has increased considerably with the advent of this new source of knowledge and fresh journey of discovery. :)


On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Fons Adriaensen <> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 04, 2009 at 05:16:09PM +0300, alex stone wrote:

> Jorn, thanks for feedback. I've just tried one of Fon's amb plugs, and it
> repeatedly crashed ardour,
> further.

They shouldn't, and here they don't...

As to 'distance' placement, jconv is written to do the
following efficiently:

- Have a large number of short mono->b-form IRs, each
one doing the early reflections for a given source
location, and

- A single long mono->b-form IR for the reverb tail.

Then, for each source, you use *two* aux sends, the
first to one of the short IRs, and the second to the
reverb tail. Relative levels and a short delay on the
first one will allow you control apparent distance,
for a close source, the early reflection will have
to come later and be weaker and vice versa.

Creating such a config is a bit of work, it requires
splitting up the full IR, ensuring everything remains
aligned, etc. etc., but I have some. One of my projects
(after the LAC probably) will be to automate this process.



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Parma, Italia

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