On Jan 8, 2008 6:54 PM, Frank Barknecht <
fbar@footils.org> wrote:
thomas fisher hat gesagt: // thomas fisher wrote:
> FYI:
> Tapestrea { TAPS } version: GPL { .deb and .rpm }
> Techniques And Paradigms for Expressive Synthesis, Transformation,
> and Rendering of Environmental Audio
> what is it?
It's damn cool! At least according to the video, but I have a problem
running it. I built the jack-version, but something is wrong
with the GUI. here's my error:
freeglut (tapestrea): ERROR: Internal error <Visual with necessary capabilities not found> in function fgOpenWindow
Tapestrea asks for quite a bit in terms of GL features; this looks as if your card and/or driver can't quite keep up with its demands. You might be able to salvage it to some extent by going into audicle_gfx.cpp and stripping flags off the glutInitDisplayMode() call in line 331. It wil likely start to flicker like mad if you have to remove GLUT_DOUBLE, but it does remain usable, at least as far as I can tell from a two-minute test.
Incidentally, if you are running this on a 64-bit platform, you should also replace the memcpy() call in the same file, line 744, with something like "for (int i = 0; i < m_pick_size; ++i) temp_stack[i] = m_pick_top[i];", because otherwise clicking on things won't do anything. I'll send a patch to their mailing list.