On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 8:23 AM, F. Silvain <silvain@freeshell.de> wrote:
Hey hey everyone,
I hreard, that the Bash (Bourne Again shell) had a vital security issue, that was only fixed very recently. So if you rely on Bash better update. I _THINK_ the problem was only fixed last week or so. Let your friends know! :)

Don't ask me about specifics, I just got the info and passed it along, since it sounded like good advice.

I think you are talking about this:


It first came to light about a month ago or so. It's primarily a concern on public servers, with old fashioned CGI scripts being the primary vector. I imagine (and hope) most distros have released updates to address this by now.

Brett W. McCoy -- http://www.brettwmccoy.com
"In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden; If I were to divulge it, it would overturn the world."
    -- Jelaleddin Rumi