..matters a lot to us all. (sent the mail too soon...)

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 10:57 AM, Gabbe Nord <gabbe.nord@gmail.com> wrote:
If we move past the current arguments of "don't complain about free stuff", there's something pretty interesting to discuss that we all could benefit from; how do we make this better?

From both a user and a developers standpoint, how do we make this interaction better? What can users do to provide better bug reports, and how should they be handled? Are there guidelines for most projects as to how users should report bugs? Can we simplify this bugreporting somehow for the user, and at the same time make it more powerful to the dev?

What does developers think is lacking in this interaction right now? What does users think's lacking?

One point Hermann made is that devs more or less only gets contacted when there's something wrong with their application. I can really see how that is, and that's very unfortunate. For me, one of the greatest draws to Linux Audio is the fact that I can so easily interact with the people who write the applications I use. A tighter community integration would be great for most people. We have forums like Linuxmusicians.com, which might be a bit more laid back than the projects official forums. Maybe we could try and use LM-forums as a gathering point for the community for real? If we make sure every project that wants gets its own sub-forum, getting together and both discussing as well as helping each other gets very easy. Any thoughts on that idea?

For me personally as a user, I can subscribe to a lot of Louigi's thoughts. The applications I use more or less always has some fairly basic functionality that's either half or fully broken. Even if there's reports and a will to help debug, there's only so much one (or at best, a handful) developer can do. What's basic and a *must* functionality for me, might not at all be important to the rest. This is a reality, but can we make it better?

Please feel free to answer any of my questions here. I'd love to hear what both developers and users have to say about this, as this is something that

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 7:36 AM, hermann meyer <brummer-@web.de> wrote:
Am 16.08.2013 07:14, schrieb Louigi Verona:

"It sometimes seems like people think they are doing the project or developer a favor by merely using it."

Perhaps some people, but I do not subscribe to such a view ;)

I'll repeat once again - it was just sharing of my experience that surprised myself and I wanted to
tell about it - that even a rather dedicated user can go through such a phase. There is really
no frustration or complaining, but, if course, I did anticipate that someone might react that way.

I do say very positive things about Linux Audio if you read my site, so I just do not agree that you
attacking me as someone who just complains is constructive or necessary ;)

So what do you want to reach with your podcast? You talk about your frustration about the situation in Linux Audio, and you get the same answer, from those who do the work, which ever comes in such situations.

Move your ass and work on it to make it better, there is no other way around. It didn't help to just blame those who do the work, they wasn't burn as developers, they become developers because they have moved there asses.

If you see a other way, let us know.

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