On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 3:42 PM, Brent Busby <brent@village.keycorner.org> wrote:
I've been looking for a way to try mid/side EQ in Linux.  The
documentation for the Calf plugins implies they can
(http://calf.sourceforge.net/plugins.html#filter), but never says how.
Also, I don't see anything in the GUI that would allow you to toggle mid
versus side versus whole mix.

Are mid/side EQ tricks possible with the Calf plugins, or any other way
on Linux?

There is a LADSPA plugin to convert Stereo to M/S. Then you just run different EQ settings on each of the outputs before later combining them (this is trivial to setup in Non Mixer). However, watch out for using EQs with different internal latencies. Also, I would expect to end up with phase isues if not using a linear-phase EQ (the only one of which I am aware is the one in Jamin). But from what you're aiming to do in the first place, I imagine you don't really care that much about correctness.