Hi Louigi!
You're definitely on the money but at the same time I'm sure you know the reasons behind your unhappiness with LA's glacial progress.
No good bug reports = No free software community. Its as vital as people writing and using the actual code.
All non-trivial software is buggy. Even the simpler stuff has bugs, just maybe no-ones found them yet. As you are well aware, software developed by volunteers in their spare is obviously likely to have a few more but research has shown that over time FLOSS software can become more stable and secure than non-FLOSS.
Due to this fact, when I go using FLOSS, I expect to and and feel it is my duty to report bugs much more so than for something I have paid a decent amount of money for. If I know they are making a living out of their software, I'm much less forgiving.
So the choice becomes this, you can either forget about FLOSS music making and just get down to it with known working, maybe non-free software or attempt FLOSS music making but expect to spend time reporting bugs.