THX Giso.
I already looked into the .asoundrc Wiki. I couldn't really make sense of it.
I 'll checkout Jack. I just wanted to avoid another layer in the chain. I also didn't want to mix things
on the PC side. I didn't expect difficulties to send three stereo streams straight to the device mixer.
For now the easiset solution I figured out would be to play a multichannel wav:
sox -M 1.wav 2.wav 3.wav -t wavpcm - | aplay -D plughw:0,0 -f cd
Hi Klaus,
the ALSA hardware device is just a single 18 channel (or whatever number
of channels you have) device. The ALSA plughw-device does some mapping,
which allows playback of different channel count on your multichannel
card. The signal routing can be controlled in the ALSA settings (see
To simultaneously access the single device with different applications
you should define a 'dmix' software device. I am not an expert on dmix
settings, it is described on
However, I did not find a documentation on how to setup multiple stereo
devices with different output channels.
All this is no problem at all with jack, simply connect any client to
the channels you want (or route from client to client). Most
applications support jack, so it should not be a problem. No GUI is
needed (for headless setups).
Klaus Schulz wrote:
> Hi folks.
> On my quest to get more then two channels from Alsa out to the 9632
> I stepped over this:
> I figured that there is just a pcm0p under /proc/asound/card0.
> Shouldn't there be pcm0p...pcm7p reflecting the 8 Alsa stereo channels
> on the HDSP?
> What am I mixing up here?