On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 2:55 AM, David Adler <david.jo.adler@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 2:41 AM, Rich E <reakinator@gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem I am having is that, when I loop, I have to start at the
> beginning every time.  Once the playhead gets to the loop, it loops the
> section I want, but this is sort of wasting practice time, as I have to
> start from the beginning every time I stop.
> So, long story short, is there a way to start in the middle of the song, or
> start at the beginning of the loop?

Didn't find a way to do this within seq24 either.
Recently I installed gjacktransport (http://gjacktransport.sourceforge.net/)
 - I didn't really use or test it though, just started it once and it
worked well together with seq24.

I just installed gjacktransport too, it looks nice but doesn't do much for looping, or counting time by measures.

Ardour would do the job as well, but it might be a bit bloated for the task...

This actually works great, hah!  Your right, complete overkill and a big hack... but I open an empty track, set to jack master, and loop a range... sure enough, seq24 plays that range over an over.  Now, just need ardour to record the midi and life will be easy. :)
