On 5 November 2013 12:48, Alf Haakon Lund <alf@mellomrommet.no> wrote:
Right on, getting all the 70'ies associations! Tight, though a little muddled on the sound - it's a little bit like there's only one massive instrument playing everything. On the other hand, that's how this kind of music often sounds.

Though a little bit too straightforward for my tastes, it's grrovy and well worth playing through.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for commenting! As I mentioned to Brett McCoy (that I managed to send off-list for some reason), there were a lot of challenges with the raw material, especially other instruments leaking onto the drum tracks. The muddy sound is mostly a product of that good old mistake, recording guitars with too much distortion. When it sounds good on its own, it must be good right? Haha.

Glad you like it!
