I will comment on this Romantic idea how I relate to it.
Some other parts of what I see in the Romantic idea:
* The artist has no control over their art or themselves, and has no obligation to control their art or themselves.
* The artist does art for his or her own needs, not those of others.
* The artist is supposed to shock and offend others, and if others react with shock and offense, the others are wrong and the artist is right.
* Others owe the artist support simply because he's an artist. If others don't support the artist the way the artist wants to be supported, the others are wrong/evil/the enemy/inferior.
* The artist is exempt from the laws that apply to others simply because they're artists.
Some artists - particularly the French Romantic poets such as Rimbaud - would be quite reasonably considered as severely traumatized and insane today. Also, chronic alcoholics and drug abusers.
I think way too many artists are simply wrapped up in their own egos. The modern popular music industry is partly to blame for that, as is the modern media industry (that meaningless frothing of spray blown about by the wind over the waves!) that has turned players of games into exorbitantly overpaid "stars". Much of it seems to be the behavior of a spoiled child demanding attention: "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT WHAT I DID! AREN'T I GREAT?"