On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 9:44 AM, J. Liles <malnourite@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Dan MacDonald <allcoms@gmail.com> wrote:

When you submit a bug report, you're certainly helping--but you're helping other users and yourself. You're not helping the developer (if they hit the bug in their use of the software, they'd just fix it).

I'd have to disagree with you there Mr L. Non-descript bug reports are useless of course but well-constructed, up-to-date bug reports are surely of use to a developer who cares about his project but doesn't have time to thoroughly test it- which is the case for most FLOSS devs. Just because a dev hasn't spotted a flaw yet in their usage of their software doesn't mean its not a potential showstopper for other users of that app.

My point is that it doesn't help them personally. It only helps the reporter and potentially any other user who uses the software in the same environment or workflow that triggers the bug. Haivng software that works everywhere and in any situation may be good for the developer's ego or whatever, but it is not required in order for him to accomplish his own work (which is presumably why the software was originally written). To put it another way, any aspect of the software,be it features or fixes, that does not directly affect the workflow of the developer is done purely for the sake of others.

Sorry, and by help I mean benefit, not assist.