I wonder what was different about it.

On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 6:55 PM Banibrata Dutta <banibrata.dutta@gmail.com> wrote:

Had been struggling with getting rid of Xruns based on various recommendations like switching to low-latency kernel, turning off WiFi, changing audio interface to other USB ports etc. This is a i5-8400 + 16GB DDR4 + SSD based system running Lubuntu, and with 128*2 buffer-settings. Xruns were seen with almost no non Jack applications running, barring say htop. 

However tried the Liquorix kernel based on someone's advise on a similar topic, and it seems to have completely solved the issue of Xruns. Now I have perfectly glitchfree recordings, several other applications (some quite heavy) running. Thought, I'd share with the community here.

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