
You should find some exemples in the /usr/share/qmidiarp directory



2008/11/12 Matthew Smith <matt@smiffytech.com>
Hi All

I'm giving some fairly serious consideration to acquiring a second-hand
synth with an arpeggiator, partly so that it gets me an arpeggiator,
partly so that I've actually got some physical knobs that I can twiddle
to change parameters in real-time.

Before doing this, however, I thought that I would have a look at
Qmidiarp.  I have fired this up, selected 'Add Arp' and am now thinking
to myself "now what?"  There is no help in the application, 'man
qmidiarp' gets me nothing and searching for documentation just gets me
to the Sourceforge page for AlsaModularSynth.  Unfortunately the
documentation page there doesn't mention qmidiarp.

So, can anyone point me to documentation for this, or does it not exist?


Matthew Smith
Smiffytech - Technology Consulting & Web Application Development
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