#! /bin/sh set -e echo "Download script for free (some as in free beer, some as in free beer AND free speech) audio data for use in Linuxsampler, Hydrogen etc. Please do respect the licenses and copyrights of the files (if you don't know it, search for it!)" mkdir linuxaudiodata cd linuxaudiodata mkdir linuxsampler cd linuxsampler #linuxsampler gig files #piano mkdir piano cd piano echo "maestro concert grand v2, Copyright (C) 2003 Mats Helgesson" echo wget http://download.linuxsampler.org/instruments/pianos/maestro_concert_grand_v2.rar #salamander piano echo "Salamander GrandPiano V2 via freepats" wget http://freepats.zenvoid.org/Piano/SalamanderGrandPianoV2_48khz24bit.tar.bz2 cd .. mkdir tuba cd tuba #tuba echo "Tuba, Copyright (C) 2009 London Philharmonia Orchestra, Clement Guedez" wget http://download.linuxsampler.org/instruments/brass/philharmonia_brass_tuba_long.gig wget http://download.linuxsampler.org/instruments/brass/philharmonia_brass_tuba_medium.gig wget http://download.linuxsampler.org/instruments/brass/philharmonia_brass_tuba_short.gig wget http://download.linuxsampler.org/instruments/brass/philharmonia_brass_tuba_very_short.gig #violin cd .. mkdir violin cd violin echo "Violin, Copyright (C) 2009 London Philharmonia Orchestra, Clement Guedez" wget http://download.linuxsampler.org/instruments/strings/philharmonia_violin_medium.gig wget http://download.linuxsampler.org/instruments/strings/philharmonia_violin_short.gig echo "most drumming sample tips are from http://bedroomproducersblog.com/2010/06/24/free-sample-shootout-2-acoustic-drums-full-kits/" cd ../../ mkdir drum cd drum mkdir hydrogen cd hydrogen #wget http://code.google.com/p/hydro2sf2/downloads/detail?name=Hydrogen%20Drumkits.gig echo "Millo Hydrogen kit as gig file" wget http://files.dahnielson.com/samples/free/millo.rar cd .. mkdir GSCW #hydrogen drumkits for linuxsampler cd GSCW echo "GSCW drumkit 1 & 2 (you need to unpack it twice...!). And put the SFZ file and the (folders) with the samples in a folder called G&S CW-Drum Kit-2 and/ or G&S CW-Drum Kit-1" echo "You are free to use these samples in any way but do not re-pack or post its content without permission." echo "All Rights G&S Recording Studio 2005 " echo "Many thanks to AUTODAFE for hosting the Download. " wget http://www.autodafe.net/downloads/GSCW-2.zip wget http://www.autodafe.net/downloads/GSCW-1.zip echo "sfz mapping for GSCW http://www.drealm.info/sfz/GIRO/" echo "These mappings are �� Peter L Jones 2005. If you change them, take my name off. Otherwise, use as you will." echo "GSCW Drums Disclaimer:" echo "Please note!" echo "This library was done with HALion 2. You may not experience the full potential of this library with some other formats. The user patchs may not reflect the full capacity of this library..." wget http://www.drealm.info/sfz/GIRO/Cymbals-Performance.sfz wget http://www.drealm.info/sfz/GIRO/GSCW-DrumKit-1.sfz wget http://www.drealm.info/sfz/GIRO/GSCW-DrumKit-2.sfz mkdir ../bigmono cd ../bigmono echo "big mono drumkit file for hydrogen (for drumkit go to http://www.analoguedrums.com/details-bm.php)" echo "Hydrogen drumkit file made by Jeremy alias Autostatic" wget http://linux.autostatic.com/hydrogen/BigMono.h2drumkit echo "big mono sfz mapping (Once you've downloaded the samples, create a sfz folder along side the Battery and Kontakt folders and put the sfz mapping in there. " wget http://www.drealm.info/sfz/AnalogueDrums/Big%20Mono%20ndk.zip mkdir ../kingstondrums cd ../kingstondrums mkdir ruffrider cd ruffrider #kingstondrums echo "Kingston Drums by Michael Kingston" wget http://www.michaelkingston.fi/kingstondrums/kits/ruffrider.rar wget http://www.michaelkingston.fi/kingstondrums/kits/ruffrider_soundfont.rar wget http://www.michaelkingston.fi/kingstondrums/kits/ruffrider_manual.rtf wget http://www.michaelkingston.fi/kingstondrums/kits/ruffrider_keymap.png mkdir ../easyrider cd ../easyrider wget http://www.michaelkingston.fi/kingstondrums/kits/easyrider.rar wget http://www.michaelkingston.fi/kingstondrums/kits/easyrider_soundfont.rar wget http://www.michaelkingston.fi/kingstondrums/kits/easyrider_manual.rtf wget http://www.michaelkingston.fi/kingstondrums/kits/easyrider_keymap.png wget http://www.michaelkingston.fi/kingstondrums/kits/KingstonRuffriderSFZ.zip wget http://www.michaelkingston.fi/kingstondrums/kits/KingstonEasyriderSFZ.zip cd ../../ mkdir JazzFunkKit cd JazzFunkKit echo "JazzFunkkit from http://www.orangetreesamples.com/blog/2009/10/free-jazz-funk-drum-sample-library/ by Orange Tree Samples" wget http://www.orangetreesamples.com/download/JazzFunkKit.rar echo "SFZ mapping via http://www.drealm.info/sfz/GregJazz/#frollo9386 by PL Jones" wget http://www.drealm.info/sfz/GregJazz/pljones-GMSW-jazz_funk_kit.sfz #opensource drumkit http://realmusicmedia.net/osdrumkit/ cd .. #mkdir osdrumkit #cd osdrumkit #wget http://realmusicmedia.net/osdrumkit/viewforum.php?f=6&sid=0e6b87604424a7a1c5712efc55e037bd #wget http://realmusicmedia.net/osdrumkit/download/file.php?id=1 #cd .. mkdir 12_piece_Pearl_drumkit_with_ZidijianCymbals cd 12_piece_Pearl_drumkit_with_ZidijianCymbals echo "from http://rhythminmind.net/1313/?cat=9 12 Piece Pearl Master Custom Drum Kit With Zidijian Cymbals, by signaltonoize.com" wget http://www.rhythminmind.net/Samples/raw%20samples%20-%20pearl%20master%20custom%20with%20zildjians.zip echo "sfz file by SWTrex " wget http://www.drealm.info/sfz/K-v-R/pearl%20master%20custom%20with%20zildjians.sfz cd ../../ mkdir rhodes cd rhodes #rhodes echo "Learjeff's Soundfonts #http://www.learjeff.net/sf/sf.html#jRhodes3" echo " Legals" echo "I retain the phonorecording copyright for all samples. These soundfonts are free for anyone to use in their music. You're also free to fine tune or improve them, but please let me know as a courtesy. If you want to include any of these soundfonts in a distribution or collection of soundfonts or similar, you must get my permission" wget http://www.learjeff.net/sf/jRhodes3.sfArk.zip wget http://www.learjeff.net/sf/jRhodes3a-looped.sfArk.zip wget http://www.learjeff.net/sf/jRhodes3c-stereo.sfArk.zip echo "Rhodes from freepats, GPL" wget http://freepats.zenvoid.org/sf2/rhodes/rhodes.sf2 cd .. mkdir bass cd bass echo "Double bass via Freepats, GPL" wget http://freepats.zenvoid.org/sf2/acbass.sf2 cd .. mkdir mellotron cd mellotron echo "Mellotron via Freepats, GPL" wget http://freepats.zenvoid.org/sf2/mellotron/melloflute.sf2 wget http://freepats.zenvoid.org/sf2/mellotron/melloreed.sf2 cd .. mkdir jack-rack cd jack-rack echo "Jack-rack racks" wget -e robots=off -r -np -nd http://offog.org/stuff/racks/ rm index.html* echo "for jconvolver / guitarix files go to http://www.esnips.com/doc/c9125127-60bd-4472-9aec-7e2d868011d4/650-Assorted-Cabinet-Impulses" #natural drum kit sfz mapping http://www.drealm.info/sfz/ndk_demo/ #university of Iowa sfz mapping http://www.drealm.info/sfz/UoIMISsfz/