
*Sigh*, if only I did have vuvzela of my own, Jostein! I'd have loved to get a quality mic and sample it and lay it over the track!

That is a very cool link you posted David. The wonders of filtering audio! Get rid of most of the sound of those BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZing Vuvuzelas. Those two links at the bottom were pretty cool as well!

Thanks for the criticism Julien! The original "sheet music" consists of a Tied Bb note stretched over several lines and then the 'repeat' notation on it!


On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Julien Claassen <> wrote:
Hello Andrew!
 Nice one. :-) So you contributed your part to the south Africa and vuvuzela enthusiasm. quite simple music though. Still good overall sound and the originalmusic isn't your fault. :-)
 I've recently heard a vuvuzela orchestra on the radio. They played the German anthem. A bit creeky, yet getting there. :-)
 A good long Bb from me

Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)

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