Thank You Simon,

When I was using BruteFIR, I have tried that option without success.
I didn't try it with jconvolver.
However, now it is running without issues for 5 hours, a record !

Anyway, I'll try again what you describe, as I also beleive that locking tasks to core is better for Audio quality.

Best Regards,

2016-02-27 12:50 GMT+01:00 Simon Wise <>:
On 27/02/16 04:25, Jean Beauve wrote:
Hello Jeremy,

Most of the time, RPi2 send a continuous beep sound from the I2S DAC output
and is not anymore under control from putty, so, Yes it is RPi2 that

Once upon a time, i have xruns errors although jackd is in softmode and
this whatever the buffer size.

not sure about the current status, I have only old single core RPIs here and have not played with them for a while in any case, but some time ago an issue with the RPI2 was that load balancing between the cores meant that the caches got invalidated as processes got switched between cores leading to x-runs each switch ... a way to deal with that was to use the kernel systems for locking the critical dsp threads to particular cores.


I didn't experience problems when the RPi2 was running only
Jackd/jconvolver/Squeezelite (non RT).
I had the problem when running also squeezebox server (RT).

I had similar problems (buffer issues) with RPi2 was running
BruteFIR/Squeezelite/Squeezebox server, both RT and non RT.
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