Regarding bitwig, it would indeed be cool to be able to deploy one's favourite VSTs... but those are quite often Windows VSTs given the relative dearth of native linux ones.

So what options does one have in this regard? vst-bridge?

On 28 March 2014 08:43, <> wrote:
---- Leonardo Palomares <> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 1:12 PM, david <> wrote:
> > I guess either they haven't updated the main page of their site, or they
> > don't consider v1.0.0 "released"?
> >
> > On 03/27/2014 09:54 AM, Leonardo Palomares wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> Reading the archived mailing list; Tobias Doerffel wrote that 0.9.92 would
> be a preparation for 1.0
> So, even though there is no announce, I guess 1.0 is final release.

Cool. Something nice to celebrate; some FLOSS projects seems to spend forever never reaching the magic "1.0".

David W. Jones
authenticity, honesty, community

Linux-audio-user mailing list