Hello Len and all others!

I don't quite get what you mean, sorry. Could you perhaps elaborate a little (read: explain to me like I'm 5 years old ;) ). Thanks a ton for trying!
Here's a picture of my QASMixer with the inputs as well: http://www.imagebam.com/image/fef059250185749

What I've tried (with no success):

* Setting the hw:Juli,1 as input (to access the S/PDIF in that way) and hw:Juli,0 as output (to still output through my speakers in JACK)
* Using zita-j2a -d hw:Juli,1 which proved to only give access to the outputs
* Using zita-a2j -d hw:Juli,1 which seems to not be able to start synchronization (it just keeps spamming "Starting synchronization." in the terminal)

This really proved to be a rather difficult issue for me.... :(

Thanks again for all the help!

On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Len Ovens <len@ovenwerks.net> wrote:

On Sat, April 13, 2013 4:41 am, Gabbe Nord wrote:
> Hey again all, and thank you very much for your replies!
> If possible, I'd love to use both analogue and S/PDIF ins at the same
> time,
> but I can live with having to restart JACK and switch if necessary.
> I'm pretty sure the card should let me clock everything together, so how
> would I do the device combining?
> Here's how my QASMixer looks:
> http://www.imagebam.com/image/c260db248663422
> Maybe that can be a lead?
> I'm at a halt here, I don't know how I should go about testing and
> tweaking
> this more.

Those should all be outputs... there is a little microphone icon at the
bottom that should show the inputs when clicked. From what you have there
it looks like you can monitor all 4 inputs... stereo analog and stereo
s/pdif. This doesn't mean anything so far as where your inputs are.
Looking at the block diagram of the 1724, the output mixing is internal
and apart from the pci IF. The good thing being that in order to be able
to mix them like that they should be in sync. You should be able to move
an input from spdif left to spdif right to line left to line right and get
sound out without touching anything on your mixer... this is still not
inputs into the computer, just direct monitor.

QAS should let you see inputs as well as outputs at the same time.

Len Ovens