I use Easytag as well when I "officially" upload the tracks to my website (in mp3 format).

I guess posting to this list, personally I see it more like a friendly sharing, rather then official presentation. But I accept the suggestions.

Once we are on the tag-topic, I find it impossible to attach an image that will show in all Linux media players. It seems to me that each of them is 'looking' somewhere else for it.

So, in Easytag I add the image to an .ogg or .mp3 file, then save it.

Vlc would look at my website and download a random image from there.
Other players will not show an image at all (Rhythmbox, Banshee).

Not that this is important and serious topic, but any hints will be welcomed.

BTW, the song "Anticipating" is now properly tagged and zipped:

Viktor Mastoridis
& Educator