update #2

@Jeremy, I found out my machine suffers of the same freezing windows bug as yours when using the free driver. So I'm forced to get the nvidia driver working properly. No luck with it yet.

@Jordan, thanks for your clarification. I had read your post [1] on the nvidia forum before writing to this list. I've tried both methods for Debian/Ubuntu that ulflj wrote in that thread, but none worked out. I guess it's because I'm using an older kernel 3.8 low latency and 3.2.6 rt.
[1] http://bit.ly/16aUlqD


after a wrong trial that left me only with tty, I went with:

\\\\\\ remove old nvidia stuff (it was corrupted in my case anyway)

dpkg --get-selections | grep nvidia
sudo apt-get purge {pkgs}

\\\\\\ get the installer and patch it with rt patch

boot in my low-latency 3.8 kernel tty level 3
downloaded the installer for 310.44 (the more recent driver that runs out of the box with my low latency kernel)
./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-310.44 --extract-only
cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86-310.44/kernel/
patched it with Jeremy's patch: patch -Np1 -i nvidia-XXX-rt.patch
sudo nvidia-installer

This time apparently it worked for my low-latency kernel, but not for the rt kernel (a 3.2.6 custom one I compiled). What's curious is that when logging in the rt-kernel:

- cinnamon crashes and goes in fall back mode without a way of recovering it
- the nvidia module seems not to be loaded. I guess it's not because I don't see the flash screen NVidia at booting
- so I launch the nvidia settings, and I'm welcomed with a message saying I'm not using the driver
- so I launch the hardware driver utility, and I'm welcomed with another message saying the driver is installed

What did I do wrong?
Shall I have run the installer when running the rt-kernel? and if so, why is that, are modules kernel-dependent?

I'm just wildly guessing the rt-kernel fails in loading the module....

any hint, again, is much appreciated.

thank you!
best wishes,

Marco Donnarumma
New Media + Sonic Arts Practitioner, Performer, Teacher, Director.
Embodied Audio-Visual Interaction Research Team.
Department of Computing, Goldsmiths University of London
Portfolio: http://marcodonnarumma.com
Research: http://res.marcodonnarumma.com
Director: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 7:55 PM, Nicola Di Marzo <nicola.di.marzo@vodafone.it> wrote:
On 13/09/13 11:12, Marco Donnarumma wrote:

Hi Marco,

I recompiled a real time kernel for 13.04 following the system
configuration guide (in this case the italian translation that reports

I'm using an hp pavilion 6 laptop with the ua-25 ex soundcard and with
this particular real time Kernel everything works fine.
1 xrun discovered at 5,8 ms latency in 3 hours session, recording and
mixing with Ardour.

Best regards

Hi Nicola,

thanks for sharing your experience. The process in that tutorial is very similar to the one I followed from the other tutorial in English. It's good to know it works well, yet my problem is with the nvidia driver that needs to be patched for -rt as well.

thank you!
Hi Marco,

Fortunately, i've never used proprietary drivers since i use Linux audio 'cause i always had intel video cards.
Anyway, I'm interested in your issue and i will follow this thread, hope you will solve this soon!
